conscientious Ibex_8
Yea, I know. But it's still atrange. Mcdonalds lets me know if I got anything extra on my food. You'd think they'd know how many shares the gave you.
conscientious Ibex_8
Jose Cortes9
No idea. I'm sorry. I know the math is out there, but i just wasn't worried about the free shares, so I didn't pay attention. That's why I really wanted the receipt so I didnt have to spend like 45 seconds doing simple math.
Ken Griffin Charity
conscientious Ibex_8
Wait, you did not pay for them? Why do you think AMC is even providing these shares? Something about a… class action… oh wait never mind, apes don’t understand anything anyway.
romantic Otter_7245 : FAQ (For US residents) : How Do I Get The Free Stock for Joining and Depositing?
u can check this to know more.
conscientious Ibex_8 OP romantic Otter_7245 : Specifically for amc. Stop it.
EasyGravy : moomoo and webull are chinese owned pfof brokers...
conscientious Ibex_8 OP EasyGravy : Yea, I know. But it's still atrange. Mcdonalds lets me know if I got anything extra on my food. You'd think they'd know how many shares the gave you.
Jose Cortes9 conscientious Ibex_8 OP : I had 34 amc and 264 ape now only 29. should I have gotten 3 or 4 more shares after conversion?
conscientious Ibex_8 OP Jose Cortes9 : No idea. I'm sorry. I know the math is out there, but i just wasn't worried about the free shares, so I didn't pay attention. That's why I really wanted the receipt so I didnt have to spend like 45 seconds doing simple math.
Ken Griffin Charity : “Free shares”
conscientious Ibex_8 OP Ken Griffin Charity : My boy. I did not pay for them. How should I have said it?
Ken Griffin Charity conscientious Ibex_8 OP : Wait, you did not pay for them? Why do you think AMC is even providing these shares? Something about a… class action… oh wait never mind, apes don’t understand anything anyway.
conscientious Ibex_8 OP Ken Griffin Charity : Aaaaand no facts and emotional. You gotta toughen up.
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