Hell no! Talk about a real con artist who’s been impeached twice and just had a historic third indictment as a previous president. Soon he’ll be sitting in a federal prison. We deserve better than AA or trump.
In your wildest dreams. How many fake scam investigations and failed attempts to jail this man do you need??? Like OMFG. The left is like ok, so we make eating illegal then catch Trump with a burger in his mouth ok guys. FOR YOUR OWN MENTAL HEALTH, GIVE IT THE FUK UP BRO… PUT DOWN THE DEMOCRACK PIPE!
RageAndLove : Hell no! Talk about a real con artist who’s been impeached twice and just had a historic third indictment as a previous president. Soon he’ll be sitting in a federal prison. We deserve better than AA or trump.
Jayisme OP : Bottom line Trump is a better business man than aa could ever dream to be.
Cardinal-BagHolder RageAndLove : In your wildest dreams. How many fake scam investigations and failed attempts to jail this man do you need??? Like OMFG. The left is like ok, so we make eating illegal then catch Trump with a burger in his mouth ok guys. FOR YOUR OWN MENTAL HEALTH, GIVE IT THE FUK UP BRO… PUT DOWN THE DEMOCRACK PIPE!
Jayisme OP Cardinal-BagHolder : the big guy gives them out for free. Well we pay for them
The Brown Knight Jayisme OP : Amen!