Remember guys if we somehow lose the battle after fighting for 10-20 years we will sue them and the government will protect us and give us all our money back!!! We will win!!! If you do your logical Due diligence and the data shows you the numbers are low just go to the amc YouTubers and they’ll tell you the data isnt real and you should follow GHOST DATA! Remember theres secret magical data hidden that none of us can see so dont use fundamentals or technicals because supposedly they arent even real!! Just make up your own numbers in your head and say its all fraud!!!! How do you think Warren buffet got rich? He doesnt follow data, he just says its all fake and buys the same penny stock year over year until he finally got rich!!!
NjD NjD : I love AMC and GME stocks and never stop supporting AMC and GME. I will always hold AMC lifetime regardless SS (before and after If that happens). always bet against short sellers, help protecting company from bankruptcy. Justice doesn’t seem exist but Millions Apes can change that and hopefully this fight will help next generation with a fair/better financial system (less corruption). dca my bag slowly and steadily/neverleave
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : amc has bankruptcy written all over it