Seth Whipple
forreal. which is why the trump thing bothers me. I personally hate trump, but to charge him and not EVERY other standing politician is wrong and sets a terrible precedent for any party in power. coming from a liberal, this was a witch hunt. and I'm not here for it
Dannyrb : I'm being facetious......and why is that, do you suppose?
Dannyrb : People who do the right thing have nothing to be afraid of........unless their last name is TRUMP.
71470983 Dannyrb : as if anyone in government is doing the "right thing"
Seth Whipple 71470983 : forreal. which is why the trump thing bothers me. I personally hate trump, but to charge him and not EVERY other standing politician is wrong and sets a terrible precedent for any party in power. coming from a liberal, this was a witch hunt. and I'm not here for it
歐阿鷹 Seth Whipple : The government needs a change and this propaganda doesn’t stop me for voting for trump! Trump got my vote!