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AI chip giants gather at Computex 2024: Will it bring new opportunities?
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AMD versus Nvidia? The Winner takes it all or not?

$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ AMD's next generation EPYC server processors will have up to 192 cores. CEO Lisa Su confirmed this during her Computex 2024 keynote. The processors will be codenamed Turin and will be available in the second half of 2024.
"Computex Conference" ... AMD's upcoming EPYC Turin CPUs will be based on the new Zen 5 architecture, which the manufacturer . According to AMD, this architecture offers an average of up to 16 percent higher IPC than Zen 4, which was introduced in 2022.
AMD versus Nvidia? The Winner takes it all or not?
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  • 103480872 : not my first time hearing other companies' claiming to be better than NVIDIA chip 🤣. Google outrightly said no AMD.

  • Money Thrill OP 103480872 : Indeed, I have the same opinion like You [undefined][undefined]

  • Bill A : It’s all about the sales and revenue. No sales = no claim.

  • digimonX : These 2 things (Epyc server cpu & nvidia's ai gpus) are not directly comparable because these are different product categories.

    Amd unveiled these 4 things during computex:
    1. Next-gen consumer desktop cpus
    2. Next-gen consumer AI notebook cpus
    3. Next-gen Epyc server cpus
    4. Updated roadmaps of AI gpus

    nvidia's ai gpu is to be compared with item 4 above. In this area, AMD will have a new MI325X to be available in Q4 this year. Next yr, MI350X will be released, followed by MI400X the following year.

    Items 1, 2 & 3 are cpus & amd is gunning for intel's market share. Items 1 & 2 will be available for sale in July while server cpus later in the yr. Intel will be in a lot of pain because they do not have a response to these new cpu line-up.

    AMD today & nvidia are 2 very different companies. Amd is a cpu 1st company. They have only recently put  more focus on gpus. This is why u see better cpu products as compared to Intel. They are still catching up to nvidia in GPU dept. However, AMD is the only other company that has the IP & knowhow to produce gpus matching nvidia's. Intel's ai gpus till now are still vapourware.

    One really needs needs to understand the company, products & competition or else he/she will be following the herd & having unrealistic expectations.

  • Money Thrill OP : Thanks digimonX, very good Analysis  what I was hoping for with my comment. Very good information [undefined][undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • Money Thrill OP digimonX : Thanks,  but how must I see $Qualcomm (QCOM.US)$ In this evaluation?

  • digimonX Money Thrill OP : Need to understand what area u wanna analyse. Qualcomm basically is a mobile hardware company. Qualcomm's cpus r based on arm architecture while intel & amd's r based on x86 architecture. Up till a couple of yrs ago these cpus r not directly comparable. Generally, arm cpus r mainly used in mobile devices while x86 cpus r used in consumer pcs/laptops & data centre servers. However, we have Google, Amazon & a few hyperscalers developing their custom arm-based server cpus running in data centres in recent yrs.

    Qualcomm dominates the mobile cpu space that r non ios/apple ecosystem. Apple has its own arm cpus for iPhones, ipads & mac devices. Qualcomm's latest snapdragon x cpus r featured in Microsoft's recent AI laptops. How successful arm cpus will be on the windows platform depends on how determined Microsoft is to make this work. Actually, this is not new. Microsoft has tried windows on arm-based cpus before & it failed to take off. Surface RT tablets were basically windows on arm cpus. Nobody wanted them back then.

    Just a fun fact, the gpu (named Adreno) bundled in Qualcomm's snapdragon cpus is actually based on AMD's technology. Back then AMD was near bankruptcy & in order to be lean, it spun off the manufacturing arm to a company we now know as Global Foundries. AMD also sold it's mobile gpu division to Qualcomm. It is not a coincidence Adreno is an anagram of Radeon :)

  • digimonX : BTW, I m away on holiday now. I have brought a pair glasses that is not very good. I can't see what I typed clearly. I apologise if there is any typo or worse, auto-correction of words to some curse or bad words. I did not mean for these to happen. Anyway, happy investing.

  • Money Thrill OP digimonX : Pretty Holiday, we are going Saterday to France, Camargue

  • digimonX Money Thrill OP : Wow nice, happy holiday to u & companions.

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