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Analysis of the latest pre-market chart in New York: Never underestimate Tesla's ability to repair itself

The chart says it all. Carefully, profoundly, and correctly interpreting charts is one of the basic skills required for professional investors.
Whoever blesses Tesla, I will bless him (her); if he curses Tesla, I will curse him (her). All people on Earth are blessed by Tesla. Tesla is a high-tech growth stock with a lofty vision worth investing in for a long period of time (more than 1 year, 3-5 years as the standard cycle). The rapid bookkeeping of the current energy storage business revenue can fully support its stock price and price-earnings ratio. If you speculate on Tesla's lack of fundamentals, a fall in intraday stock prices is an excellent opportunity to increase your positions and increase your holdings.
Elon Musk is an angel sent by God, a gifted member of the American Academy of Engineering, and an honors physics student and software architect. He owns a total of 9 companies, all of which disrupt conventional human perceptions, and will surely leave an indelible contribution to the history of human development and progress. He has lofty ambitions. It is by no means something that can be measured by random people, mediocre people, villains, or scoundrels. Currently, only Tesla is listed and traded. If Musk wishes, he can go public with any one of his own, and his personal assets can easily surpass any world-class supermillionaire; the top ten world-class super-rich combined won't necessarily win Elon Musk.
The world's top professional reviews of Tesla and the projects behind it by three 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics winners.
Three 2022 Nobel Prize winners in physics, Alain Aspect (French physicist), John Francis Clauser (John Francis Clauser, American theoretical physicist and experimental physicist), and Anton Zeilinger (Anton Salinger, Austrian quantum physicist) have performed world-class professional assessments for Tesla and the projects behind it. Almost all of Elon Musk's industrial projects are inseparable and inseparable from Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technology Revolution. Tesla, led by Elon Musk, is very forward-looking in the layout of the high-tech industry. Tesla's stock price will definitely expand its wings as time goes by.
Nvidia is an important node of Artificial Intelligence, and Tesla and all the industries behind it are almost a complete Artificial Intelligence ecosystem.
On October 4, 2022, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics will be awarded to French scientist Alain Aspect (Alain Aspect), American scientist John F. Clauser (John F. Clauser), and Austrian scientist Anton Zeilinger (Anton Zeilinger) in recognition of their contributions in “entangling photon experiments, verifying violations of Bell's inequalities, and pioneering quantum information science.” They will share an average prize of SEK 10 million (approximately RMB 6.47 million).
Keep in mind the following seemingly irregular sequence:101.810; 138.800; 167.410; 176.500; 202.000; 216.250; 230.500; 242.000,...
After how many failures
After how long has it been waiting
Tell yourself to be patient
Decline: More of an opportunity.
The crowd doesn't understand this. They know it's going up, going up big, then chasing up. They call this kind of operation to gain profit and avoid harm, and chase “trends.” It makes sense. Sometimes they also ask, “Can I still buy it?”
Analysis of the latest pre-market chart in New York: Never underestimate Tesla's ability to repair itself
Analysis of the latest pre-market chart in New York: Never underestimate Tesla's ability to repair itself
Analysis of the latest pre-market chart in New York: Never underestimate Tesla's ability to repair itself
Analysis of the latest pre-market chart in New York: Never underestimate Tesla's ability to repair itself
Daily Devotion — July 17, 2024

Back to the Land of Secrets

David Wilkerson

Now listen
“How can a virgin forget her makeup? How can the bride forget her beautiful clothes? But my people have forgotten my countless days.” (Jeremiah 2:32, NKJV)

Whenever I miss my daily prayer time because of my busyness, I quote this Bible verse. It always takes me back to secret places where I cry, “Oh Lord, I don't want to forget you!”

This verse is scary when we consider the context of this verse. God reminded his people that he planted them as a noble vine with a strong and reliable trunk. They took the right path with his blessings, but now they have abandoned him.

“Your own evil will punish you, and you will be blamed for your apostasy... You have forsaken the Lord your God and have no fear of me; this is suffering for evil... How can you say, 'I have not been defiled; I have not followed Baal'? ... They all turned their backs on me... I taught your children in vain; they were undisciplined... My people have forgotten me for countless days” (Jeremiah 2:19-32).

God's people no longer go to His house to worship Him. They became lazy and forgot all his blessings and judgments. They ignored Him for days and sought their own pleasure; worst of all, they said, “I am innocent... I have not sinned” (Jeremiah 2:35).

If you don't worship God wholeheartedly, little by little, you will begin to be careless and begin to worship God simply out of habit.

You say you love Jesus, so I have to ask you: do you worship him wholeheartedly every day and don't worry about it? Are you studying God's word, or are you not opening your Bible or praying to him in a secret room for days?

God will no longer allow you to sit in your seat and let your thoughts wander. He loves you and knows that pure worship unleashes strength in your soul. It'll make you stronger than any lion, more powerful than any giant. It destroyed every fortress because it made you a pure and dedicated worshiper.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL — July 17, 2024

Back to the Secret Place

By David Wilkerson

Listen Now
“Can a virgin forget her clothes, or a bride her attire? Yet my people have forgotten me days without number” (Jeremiah 2:32, NKJV).

I quote this Bible passage whenever I miss my daily prayer time because of my busyness. It always drives me back to the secret place, where I cry, “Oh, Lord, I Don't Want to Forget You!”

This verse is decriminating when we discuss the context of the passage. God is Reminding His People That He Reminds Them as a Noble Vine of Sound and Reliable Stock. They started out on the correct path with his blessing, but now they have forsaken him.

“YOUR OWN WICKEDNESS WILL CORRECT YOU, AND YOUR BACKSLIDINGS WILL REBUKE YOU... IT IS AN EVIL AND BITTER THING THAT YOU HAVE FORSAKEN THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND THE FEAR OF ME IS NOT IN YOU... HOW Can you say, 'I am not polluted, I have not gone after the Baals'?... For they have turned their back to me... In vain I have chastened your children; they received no correction... My People Have Forgotten Me Days Without Number” (Jeremiah 2:19-32).

God's people were no longer going to his house to worship him. They had become lazy and had forgotten all his blessings and judgments. They criticized him for days on end, brought their own pleasures; and worst of all, they said, “I am innocent... I have not sinned” (Jeremiah 2:35).

If you do not worship God with all your mind and heart, little by little, will creep in, and you will begin to worship and worship out of habit.

You say you love Jesus, so I must ask you: do you worship him daily, with all your heart, without distractions? Do you dig into the word of God, or do you go for days without opening your Bible or praying to him in your secret closet?

God will not allow you to sit in your seat and let your mind wander. He loves you and knows the power that pure worship releases in your spirit. It makes you stronger than any lion and bigger than any giant. It pulls down every stronghold because it makes you a pure-hearted, single-minded worshiper of him.
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