The Only Way is Up : Give it some time for phase 3
Shroomie The Only Way is Up : it takes like a year for phase 3 lol
Shroomie : it will drop and keep dropping
Shroomie : you're welcome
Shroomie : phase 3 takes a long time. in the meantime, the cash burn is insane, future big dilution coming.. knocking the price lower and lower
Kraks OP Shroomie : I think your forecast is already old...
Shroomie Kraks OP : the Forcast is between 3.36 and 4.43. my prediction was spot on. you may not have thought it possible, but then the stock dumped 40% in 2 days
The Only Way is Up : Give it some time for phase 3
Shroomie The Only Way is Up : it takes like a year for phase 3 lol
Shroomie : it will drop and keep dropping
Shroomie : you're welcome
Shroomie : phase 3 takes a long time. in the meantime, the cash burn is insane, future big dilution coming.. knocking the price lower and lower
Kraks OP Shroomie : I think your forecast is already old...
Shroomie Kraks OP : the Forcast is between 3.36 and 4.43. my prediction was spot on. you may not have thought it possible, but then the stock dumped 40% in 2 days