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And another day and another new 52wk high

$Corvus Pharmaceuticals (CRVS.US)$ We set another 52wk high at 4.04! This is turning into a fantastic swing trade
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  • 151323992 : Hey bro Ty for posting. It seem we are consider entering on the next dip which meets the resistance line trend of the previous weeks is that right

  • Trytosaveabit OP 151323992 : Sounds like a plan yup! GL

  • 151323992 : Thanks mate also Im sorry if my comments are a somewhat taboo by stating the obvious

  • Trytosaveabit OP 151323992 : Not at all! Nothing wrong with asking if someone else sees what you do/are! So ask and if I can? I’ll answer. GL

  • 151323992 : You are truly one of a kind dude. Much love from the other side of the world<3

  • Trytosaveabit OP 151323992 : You’re too kind but I thank you much 🤝 And big luv backatcha💞

  • 151323992 : Problem is I'm trading in Sydney time and I lost 90% of capital. I have to save up and stop trading premkt and pstmkt if I ever have a chance of making dollars in US stocks. Still I haven't given up hope to recoup 20k and your trading strategies are helping so much

  • Trytosaveabit OP 151323992 : I see good new and bad news in there! But that’s a story I hear a lot from newer or fairly new! Yes PM especially is hard to trade. You only have a small fraction of traders who can/are trading. So you don’t see true market interest or liquidity. But if you can sell at 30/50% and be happy ( I sure can ) hehehe. PM is very lucrative. Thank you again.

  • 151323992 : That's great advice thanks heaps. One other thing you don't have to rely to this one haha but my PC setup is very basic atm, one screen lol. Judging by your awesome comments I can tell you have probably have more than 3 screens, plus you set up alerts and probably signed up for momentum scanner alerts. That's quite an investment I hope I'm rightfully thinking. That being said I'll have to set up properly before trying again as it's just not gona work without a proper investment in a solid setup

  • Trytosaveabit OP 151323992 : I use zero scanners! I’ve thought about them from time to time! But I always come back to I do alright setting my own alerts! Like on WB I will actually see people say scanner went off at such and such? Well I’m usually posting earlier than what they say their scanner that they pay lots for? Hehehe.     Yes I use several screens! But a good and inexpensive way to do that is with tablets! I use iPads because I use nothing but iOS! Hehehe! But you can find a few 10/13 inch tablets that will run the trading app flawlessly. And pretty cheap!     I don’t use tons of fancy indicators!        RSI, MA,  DPO,  MACD,  VOL,    And drawing!  

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