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And this is a brief introduction to quantum analysis

LeonaC wrote a column · Dec 26, 2024 03:41
author and BFF to whom the #qmec is dedicated; the mystery remains: "can we save the ice caps"?
author and BFF to whom the #qmec is dedicated; the mystery remains: "can we save the ice caps"?
Pandas have always been a big deal in my family. I had to think back, do some non-RCT and quantum math to figure out when this picture was taken, so I added an RCT note. (Time stamp in RCT has been added to the pic's watermark). I'd pulled out a bunch of the old photos when my brother passed away last year, and this was one I have not and will not be putting away any time soon.
Endangered giant pandas of the world and endangered Alaska Natives in the 1980's
When my fam and I moved to what most maps attempting to define "The United States of America" call "Alaska"? We were there in late 1983, and I learned that was where I'd be starting kindergarten. My mother, from the cold-water Salmon people of the East coast 7,897.2 km away, and now our new friends brainstorming about how to recycle better and teach people about recycling. As a fam, we cared a lot about those endangered giant pandas across the seas. Those ornaments are handmade acrylic, made by my mom with just a hook.
And this is a brief introduction to the qmec. Why and how we were there is a long story which is why it's part of the qmec.
My mom taught me was always a huge recycler -- way before it was trendy:
Curbside recycling programs solved the convenience issue, although the prevalence varied from city to city. In 1960, just over 6 percent of municipal solid waste was recycled. Since then, recycling rates have increased to about 10 percent in 1980; 16 percent in 1990; 29 percent in 2000, and over 32 percent in 2023. That’s helped decrease the amount of waste going to landfills from 94 percent in 1960 to 52 percent of the amount generated in 2018.
I'm pretty sure the 5 ("Go" / "Na'n" ) pandas meant something I was taught.
More notes in the mystery.
325 words
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