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Another day of pullback

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  • Expendabiggles : Bad part, inflation has not come down.  They keep reporting it lowering but those of us on the bottom going broke can see clearly that the FED is lying their asses off. Everything still sky high and absolutely unsustainable. Can’t afford to buy houses, cars, pay for rent, gas, food, or medical. Everything is FUBAR!  They can cry soft landing all fuk’n day. That sh*t ain’t happen bruh in reality. Not unless their next rate hikes kills the market dead so prices ACTUALLY come down. The longer FED lies and pumps this bullshit market to make joe look like he’s not failing BIG TIME, the worse the fallout is gonna be when the nuke called our economy goes off. Lies only stay buried so long and the devil has come for his due.

  • Btan Expendabiggles : Haha that is so true of the US

  • razo2 Expendabiggles : actually he been lying since May 2022. the CPI calculation was changed to only calculate based on one year data, not 3 years based on Paul Volcker.

  • razo2 : I be surprised people expect a pivot. looking at unchanged core inflation calculation, we are sitting at 6.1%. if JP pivot you will see inflation in double digits and oil will be 300 bucks unchanged.

    you all need to remember lag base effects. based on June 2023 pause rate, oil has gone up from 68 to 80. food prices has gone up 10% for meat and 20% for wheat. services inflation had gone up as well.

    JP have no choice but to keep increasing interest rates until the core inflation is below the rate hike. then he needs to keep it there for at least 6 months. so you are looking at middle of 2024 for this high interest rates.

  • Cow Moo-ney OP razo2 : Don’t think he will pivot this year. “Higher and longer”, they say

  • razo2 Cow Moo-ney OP : you need to remember higher interest rates are affecting commercial estate loans. if fitch announced a down grade in banks this will send the banks to hell. as they need to reservice the loans at wayyyy higher rates (maybe 10% minimum).

  • Seraphicall razo2 : Thanks bro. Your posts are always so detailed. Very much appreciate your effort!

  • Btan : Downgrade by Fitch is imminent. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Such a joke

  • Expendabiggles razo2 : Wells Fargo A+………..??    🤣🤣🤣🤣💀

  • Intraday Lattes Expendabiggles : The debt is never sustainable, because it's not economics  nor balance that their system relies upon, it feeds infinite demand.

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