If you can run, run fast. On the first day of the merger, they bought at 7.2 after the market, then made up all the way to full positions. The average price was 4.5. They closed their positions at 2.95 before the market on Monday, and the losses were huge! They are all blamed for not setting a stop loss; what is even more wrong is to make up positions after falling! And full warehouse! It always rises before and after the market. The purpose is to trick people into the market so that the main players can sell.
EUGENE啊梁 : Raped it again
遵循内心 OP EUGENE啊梁 : Haha, stabbed naked
208001010101 : If you can run, run fast. On the first day of the merger, they bought at 7.2 after the market, then made up all the way to full positions. The average price was 4.5. They closed their positions at 2.95 before the market on Monday, and the losses were huge! They are all blamed for not setting a stop loss; what is even more wrong is to make up positions after falling! And full warehouse! It always rises before and after the market. The purpose is to trick people into the market so that the main players can sell.