103353263 : Depend on your situation.If you want to buy now that's not a problem but I think you will have limited percentage earn .You can choose other stocks or you could just gain percentage by dividend.It's overall depend on your situation.
AB95 : Breaking through 10 will be sold by a lot of people
Bling bling OP 103353263 : any suggestion for stock that can have maximum percentage earn for now
103353263 Bling bling OP : No suggestions.Depend on what you know more about the company
1051556898 : for me, it is a great potential when it breakthrough history high
JayMoon07 Bling bling OP : Think too much bro
1051556898 : now
103353263 : Depend on your situation.If you want to buy now that's not a problem but I think you will have limited percentage earn .You can choose other stocks or you could just gain percentage by dividend.It's overall depend on your situation.
AB95 : Breaking through 10 will be sold by a lot of people
Bling bling OP 103353263 : any suggestion for stock that can have maximum percentage earn for now
103353263 Bling bling OP : No suggestions.Depend on what you know more about the company
1051556898 : for me, it is a great potential when it breakthrough history high
JayMoon07 Bling bling OP : Think too much bro
1051556898 : now