I think everyone will be in for a big surprise with a upswing. crazy amount of conveniently timed negative comments. looking forward to Monday
trader james80
every Friday people sell off and all the numbers drop. then monday morning people see it and go oh look how low it is now I think I will buy in now. and boom. rockets.
玄学炒股的美股韭菜 : no it done
jayofny90 : who's gonna buy it? not me.
Rollercoaster05 : monday
Airbags : who knows. if we knew it would drop this low we wouldn't left money in it. but it's also cheaper to buy now
Airbags Rollercoaster05 : yes I'm buying at 11.5 because Monday is going to shoot back up.rageing kitty still going
Rayne2ravage : I think everyone will be in for a big surprise with a upswing. crazy amount of conveniently timed negative comments. looking forward to Monday
trader james80 : every Friday people sell off and all the numbers drop. then monday morning people see it and go oh look how low it is now I think I will buy in now. and boom. rockets.
Rollercoaster05 : awesome
Mod Tanyatorn : Thats a high gap down definitely will gap up.