Shirrrrrrley : Nope
101727760 : Received.
101602971 : Received. You can check in fund details
104778352 : received.
TRIPLEK : When should I buy for the Aug dividend? I couldn’t still see Ex-Date for August.
151078437 OP TRIPLEK : declare date is 6th Aug, payment date is 8th Aug
TRIPLEK 151078437 OP : How did you check? Can you enlighten me ?
151078437 OP TRIPLEK : google yieldmax, you could find the schedule for the whole year.
Shirrrrrrley : Nope
101727760 : Received.
101602971 : Received. You can check in fund details
104778352 : received.
TRIPLEK : When should I buy for the Aug dividend? I couldn’t still see Ex-Date for August.
151078437 OP TRIPLEK : declare date is 6th Aug, payment date is 8th Aug
TRIPLEK 151078437 OP : How did you check? Can you enlighten me ?
151078437 OP TRIPLEK : google yieldmax, you could find the schedule for the whole year.