they found lithium deposits in Wyoming and theyre currently burning down most of Wyoming so they'll be able to get in there and extract...and on the brink of war it seems like a great time to get in rn all out
they're being protected by the goverment more than likely bc nobody is talking about Wyoming wildfires 45 min away from black mountain where they do most excavation
72973431 : they found lithium deposits in Wyoming and theyre currently burning down most of Wyoming so they'll be able to get in there and extract...and on the brink of war it seems like a great time to get in rn all out
72973431 : they're being protected by the goverment more than likely bc nobody is talking about Wyoming wildfires 45 min away from black mountain where they do most excavation
72973431 : go all in come out on top
Samothy L Jackson OP : I meant about why trading them froze?