Wolf of WaLL Stt : FAQ:Where Does My Dividend Go?
16409 : Payment day is 18/09/2024
103554089 : not yet
medusa bimbo OP : wait for dividend while bled to death
16409 medusa bimbo OP : This small plaster not enough cover the wound
medusa bimbo OP 16409 : nvm lah. no sell no lose yet. wait it out lor. my avg price is 0.95...wait till hair white liao
Wolf of WaLL Stt : FAQ:Where Does My Dividend Go?
16409 : Payment day is 18/09/2024
103554089 : not yet
medusa bimbo OP : wait for dividend while bled to death
16409 medusa bimbo OP : This small plaster not enough cover the wound
medusa bimbo OP 16409 : nvm lah. no sell no lose yet. wait it out lor. my avg price is 0.95...wait till hair white liao