lots of oil is crashing, high supply. OPEC made a announcement they were going to resume normal production, prices crashed. a couple days later they said they weren't going to do it anymore, oil prices go up! New rigs going online in couple years with huge reserves off coast of Africa and south America. fear of green energy in next 5-10 years. I still enjoy the Divs and income oil stocks bring in. not financial advice.
Zachhhhhary : The company's earnings report fell short of expectations
104371035 OP Zachhhhhary : thx bro.
Zachhhhhary 104371035 OP : I'm still thinking if I shld get out of this crap
Moostafari : lots of oil is crashing, high supply. OPEC made a announcement they were going to resume normal production, prices crashed. a couple days later they said they weren't going to do it anymore, oil prices go up! New rigs going online in couple years with huge reserves off coast of Africa and south America. fear of green energy in next 5-10 years. I still enjoy the Divs and income oil stocks bring in. not financial advice.