103890396 : Sure enough, there's no way to break the curse
见好就收知足常乐 : Damn it, you're selling at the lowest point again? Are you kidding everyone on purpose
103890396 见好就收知足常乐 : What's even scarier is that it immediately started falling again
见好就收知足常乐 103890396 : Don't worry, after falling in the morning, it may rebound in the afternoon, and not necessarily
Leo 102683745 : Next time when you sell it, you post a post and we'll buy it as a beacon lol
104774159 : ???
杀红眼赌徒 : If you take it with him, it won't go up if you buy the company
103890396 : Sure enough, there's no way to break the curse
见好就收知足常乐 : Damn it, you're selling at the lowest point again? Are you kidding everyone on purpose
103890396 见好就收知足常乐 : What's even scarier is that it immediately started falling again
见好就收知足常乐 103890396 : Don't worry, after falling in the morning, it may rebound in the afternoon, and not necessarily
Leo 102683745 : Next time when you sell it, you post a post and we'll buy it as a beacon lol
104774159 : ???
杀红眼赌徒 : If you take it with him, it won't go up if you buy the company