102764470 : It fell below
73404496 102764470 : It's not very normal. The news is so bad
73685774 102764470 : It just depends on October
102764470 73404496 : 130 I will enter the warehouse
73404496 102764470 : 130 You're too pessimistic
Zhaoxueqing 102764470 : I don't think it will go down to 130, that's not possible
adyuith OP : what do you think about Amazon??
adyuith OP : that's only if someone bombs their hqs they have high credibility.. so it's not happening over night
102764470 : It fell below
73404496 102764470 : It's not very normal. The news is so bad
73685774 102764470 : It just depends on October
102764470 73404496 : 130 I will enter the warehouse
73404496 102764470 : 130 You're too pessimistic
Zhaoxueqing 102764470 : I don't think it will go down to 130, that's not possible
adyuith OP : what do you think about Amazon??
adyuith OP : that's only if someone bombs their hqs they have high credibility.. so it's not happening over night