71453784 : How low do you expect it to go?
71453784 : I sold everything when it opened on Monday, but I didn't dare to go short
AstraLustria OP 71453784 : Probably going down to like 22 or 23 again. Hard to say until I see what happens plays out here around 24.
71453784 AstraLustria OP : 谢谢!如果再到22.5我就买回来
71453784 : How low do you expect it to go?
71453784 : I sold everything when it opened on Monday, but I didn't dare to go short
AstraLustria OP 71453784 : Probably going down to like 22 or 23 again. Hard to say until I see what happens plays out here around 24.
71453784 AstraLustria OP : 谢谢!如果再到22.5我就买回来