Heard this for years, already. However, for a SHORT, NIO is a wet dream. Company value falling more than 50% only this year, this is a real achievement.
when I buy netflix also like hell..There were DVD, Blu-ray, ultra Blu-ray 4k and broadband bandwidth was super slow..how to stream high quality movies, 4k, Dolby Atmos sound and copyright issues?
TWP PaPa : It is temporary, we will get over it.
WayneTheBoon : What rubbish company is this
74216494 TWP PaPa : Heard this for years, already. However, for a SHORT, NIO is a wet dream. Company value falling more than 50% only this year, this is a real achievement.
TWP PaPa 74216494 : when I buy netflix also like hell..There were DVD, Blu-ray, ultra Blu-ray 4k and broadband bandwidth was super slow..how to stream high quality movies, 4k, Dolby Atmos sound and copyright issues?
JT0425 : no hope, until to company bankrupt
TWP PaPa JT0425 : We all don't know, to me I kind of like Nio biz models. Investment is a risky biz..