Lnova : why haven’t they done a stock split
Stock_Drift Lnova : Stable market cap, their growth strategy, investor perception, market conditions, are some reasons.
Clintzilla OP Stock_Drift : not cus it's Mafia owned or anything
Lnova Stock_Drift : interesting
Stock_Drift Clintzilla OP : By mafia you mean: WITT-JR? I hope.
Iwill TradeScared : It’s already late best time to get in zone when this was 60$
Stock_Drift Lnova : They just had a positive earnings report and check the 5 and 10 day moving averages. If you have a position, Monday will be good.
Lnova Stock_Drift : Yeah but cannot afford whole shares of this
Lnova Iwill TradeScared : true
Iwill TradeScared Lnova : Few percentage of 3.2K’s profit doesn’t change life I am not watching
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Lnova : why haven’t they done a stock split
Stock_Drift Lnova : Stable market cap, their growth strategy, investor perception, market conditions, are some reasons.
Clintzilla OP Stock_Drift : not cus it's Mafia owned or anything
Lnova Stock_Drift : interesting
Stock_Drift Clintzilla OP : By mafia you mean: WITT-JR? I hope.
Iwill TradeScared : It’s already late best time to get in zone when this was 60$
Stock_Drift Lnova : They just had a positive earnings report and check the 5 and 10 day moving averages. If you have a position, Monday will be good.
Lnova Stock_Drift : Yeah but cannot afford whole shares of this
Lnova Iwill TradeScared : true
Iwill TradeScared Lnova : Few percentage of 3.2K’s profit doesn’t change life I am not watching
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