I am 102702622
Only a few stocks have long term appreciation like MSFT, GOOG, META, BRK, AMZN etc What happened to CSCO, Motorola, INTC, GE, Enron, Netscape, Bear Sterns?
I am 102702622
It is challenging and exciting at the same time. Why do people go for rock climbing or hiking when it is risky? Why do people climb the Mount Everest ? If you prepare for it, it is less risky. But Low risk doesn’t mean no risk.
933199333 : Buy low is good
I am 102702622 : Longer term, it will be good for BABA’s finances.
BABA will be laughing all the way to the bank soon.
SKYWalkers OP I am 102702622 : good luck, there is no long term for China stocks
I am 102702622 SKYWalkers OP : Only a few stocks have long term appreciation like MSFT, GOOG, META, BRK, AMZN etc
What happened to CSCO, Motorola, INTC, GE, Enron, Netscape, Bear Sterns?
SKYWalkers OP I am 102702622 : so just buy those sure win, why u worry about non growth stocks? doesn't make sense
I am 102702622 SKYWalkers OP : It is challenging and exciting at the same time. Why do people go for rock climbing or hiking when it is risky? Why do people climb the Mount Everest ? If you prepare for it, it is less risky. But Low risk doesn’t mean no risk.
SKYWalkers OP I am 102702622 : u basically enjoy the thrill of gambling, it's not optimized imvesting
I am 102702622 SKYWalkers OP : I take calculated risks base on probability. I look at charts and invest base on my forecast.
SKYWalkers OP I am 102702622 : that's good to know