BABA-SW Further Cuts Stake in GOGOX, Cashing out $3.08M
After$BABA-W (09988.HK)$reduced its stake in$GOGOX (02246.HK)$in November, BABA further cut its stake in GOGOX by4.7176 million sharesat an average price of$0.6534 per shareon 12 December, cashing out about$3.0825 million, according to the Stock Exchange's disclosure of interests. Hence, BABA's shareholding in GOGOX lowered to10.42%.
Selling each other shares among its market implying that they are struggling to free up liquidity. The fragile economy is worsen over time. No matter what it is, this financial market is not a place to be investing in anymore.
HopelessChi : Selling each other shares among its market implying that they are struggling to free up liquidity. The fragile economy is worsen over time. No matter what it is, this financial market is not a place to be investing in anymore.
102864101 : Tonight short baba liao