sincere Dove_0543
You’re one dedicated dude lol. I come by through here periodically to see if you’re still commenting, and you never seem to let me down lol.
OPsincere Dove_0543
thanks, dave. There's plenty of room here in the stands here to laugh at the clowns. That is their intended purpose... The funny part is they actually think they're going to get their money
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : what bunch of delusional clown apes
EasyGravy OP : duhhhh....joe ...where my money go.....durrrrr
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx EasyGravy OP : gonna buy more moass or bust
MindOverMatter xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : good idea
Nightwolf-moon : We gonna moon
sincere Dove_0543 : You’re one dedicated dude lol. I come by through here periodically to see if you’re still commenting, and you never seem to let me down lol.
EasyGravy OP sincere Dove_0543 : thanks, dave. There's plenty of room here in the stands here to laugh at the clowns. That is their intended purpose... The funny part is they actually think they're going to get their money