andy(三叔) : Is it right to suspend trading without any notice like this?
The conservative Man OP : I guess don’t know if it’s a good news or bad
jimmy james mendoza :
101674396 The conservative Man OP : Either Rocket upwards / downwards
The conservative Man OP 101674396 : Rocket upward will be nice
101674396 The conservative Man OP : Hope… past 2days already deep
TheDylz : yes its a T12 halt. additional information requested by nasdaq. this is usually bad news for longs could be halted for days or until the company satisfies the request.
Dario Alba : this stock was manipulated, it may never come back after 10 days. Traders are screwed!
101674396 Dario Alba : May be possibility !!!
151604459 : SEC suspended trading, read notice
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andy(三叔) : Is it right to suspend trading without any notice like this?
The conservative Man OP : I guess don’t know if it’s a good news or bad
jimmy james mendoza :
101674396 The conservative Man OP : Either Rocket upwards / downwards
The conservative Man OP 101674396 : Rocket
upward will be nice
101674396 The conservative Man OP : Hope… past 2days already deep
TheDylz : yes its a T12 halt. additional information requested by nasdaq. this is usually bad news for longs could be halted for days or until the company satisfies the request.
Dario Alba : this stock was manipulated, it may never come back after 10 days. Traders are screwed!
101674396 Dario Alba : May be possibility !!!
151604459 : SEC suspended trading, read notice
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