151065593 : You can empty sold him.
夜轻歌 OP 151065593 : My app does not support short selling.
151065593 夜轻歌 OP : What a pity, I was ready to buy today, a big rise is bound to have a big fall.
夜轻歌 OP 151065593 : I completely agree with your idea, but unfortunately I cannot buy.
151065593 夜轻歌 OP : Buy put options.
夜轻歌 OP 151065593 : Already checked, difficult to do, no trading volume.
151065593 : You can empty sold him.
夜轻歌 OP 151065593 : My app does not support short selling.
151065593 夜轻歌 OP : What a pity, I was ready to buy today, a big rise is bound to have a big fall.
夜轻歌 OP 151065593 : I completely agree with your idea, but unfortunately I cannot buy.
151065593 夜轻歌 OP : Buy put options.
夜轻歌 OP 151065593 : Already checked, difficult to do, no trading volume.