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$SKY BLUE 11 (01010.HK)$ Good morning. Someone came up with ...

Good morning. Someone came up with this content as news, but I don't understand what it's going to be like. If anyone knows, please let me know.
$SKY BLUE 11 (01010.HK)$ Good morning. Someone came up with this content as news, but I don't understand what it's going to be like. If anyone knows, please let...
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  • Salily : I was curious because I couldn't understand this content either. Does that mean we can't trade during that time in January? Also, I'm worried that a delisting decision will not be made after the general meeting of shareholders.

  • 勇敢なケイシー_6392 : My opponent is a pro, and I can't predict what kind of gimmicks they will do at all, so it's better not to buy them anymore

  • どらごん4747 : I wonder if they've rewritten it a bit

  • けーたつ OP どらごん4747 : Thank you so much for your reply.

    I copied and pasted someone's post this morning, so I don't know if it was rewritten, but I translated it again, and I'm not really sure ⁉️
    Actually, I cut my loss by half due to the previous decline, but I still have it.

    If you understand the content, please let me know.

    ⬇️ Here is the main text.

    Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited and Hong Kong Stock Exchange Holdings Limited
    We are not responsible for the content of this announcement. Also, we do not make any representations.
    We guarantee its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability for losses.
    Even if it originates from, or depends on, this content in whole or in part,
    This announcement is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or invitation.
    Offer to acquire, buy, or subscribe to our securities.
    Bork 1798 Group Limited
    (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
    (Stock code: 1010)
    Publication suspension period
    For special general meetings
    Balk 1798 Group Limited (the “Company”)
    November 1, 2023 relating to proposed company changes (hereafter “announcement”)
    name. The capitalized terms used herein have the same meanings as defined by the following terms.
    Announcements, unless otherwise required due to context.
    The Board of Directors hereby announces that our SGM will be held on Thursday the 11th.
    January 2024, 3 p.m. Suite 6504, 65/F., Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
    A membership register is required to determine the right to attend and vote at SGM.
    We will be closed from Friday January 5, 2024 to Thursday, January 11, 2024.
    Our shares cannot be transferred during this period (including both days).
    registered. You must transfer all of SGM's shares in order to be eligible to attend and vote at SGM.
    The company must attach the relevant share certificate and submit it to the company.
    Hong Kong branch stock registrar, Tricor Tengis Limited (address 17/F., Far East Finance Centre,
    16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong, please register by 4:30 p.m. THURSDAY 4
    January 2024.
    We will send out SGM circulars and notices, as well as relevant powers of attorney.
    Submit forms to shareholders in due time.
    By order of the Board of Directors
    Bork 1798 Group Limited
    Lee Weina
    managing director
    Hong Kong, December 18, 2023
    As of the date of this announcement, our board of directors consists of 6 directors.
    The managing directors are Mr. Li Weina, Mr. Zhang Fumin, and Dr. Zhang Yu. And that
    Independent non-executive directors are Ms. Chin Ching, Dr. Song Dong-ling, and Dr. Chang.
    The directors jointly bear full responsibility for the accuracy of the information
    It is included in this announcement, and after making all reasonable inquiries,
    As far as they know, the opinions expressed in this announcement are
    Full and careful consideration has been carried out, and there are no other facts not included in this announcement.
    If this is omitted, any statement in this announcement is misleading.

  • 181733730 : Looks like the company name will change

  • どん底リベンジャー けーたつ OP : At the end of the day, is it better to hold on to the current holdings?

  • けーたつ OP どん底リベンジャー : That's right.
    I'd like to know too.

    Certainly it's my fault that I dabbled in stock trading as I was told without even looking it up, but no information came up at all.
    For now, there seems to be a New Year's suspension period, but I'm worried about what it's going to be like.
    While thinking that it won't drop any further, you're also thinking about the risk that it will be abolished.
    I don't understand today's last move at all 😅

  • Salily : It seems that there was talk yesterday in an open chat that it is for an acquisition, and if things go well, the stock price will rise, but I don't know what will actually happen. Will they be held until the beginning of the year?

  • けーたつ OP Salily : Yes, it is.
    I'm at a loss, but today's last one went up
    I disposed of it a bit.

    I also joined the open chat newly and watched it, but the words that came in were a mess, so I unsubscribed.

    My current feeling is that I want to cash it out for now 🥲

  • ふくとしゆ : It's slowly going up now, so I think it would be better to settle the bill once before this extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.
    On top of that, they will wait and see and buy again after the general meeting of shareholders.
    Risk is risk.
