LeongKS : Institutions push up the price so tmr ex date discounted price won't be that low
Mrkay95 : damn buy too high ady
mumu newbie Mrkay95 : tomorrow price will drop again.
LeongKS Mrkay95 : Bought 2.36? A fund queued 2.36 at closing with 4.8m tickets, making all buying at that price
LeongKS : Institutions push up the price so tmr ex date discounted price won't be that low
Mrkay95 : damn buy too high ady
mumu newbie Mrkay95 : tomorrow price will drop again.
LeongKS Mrkay95 : Bought 2.36? A fund queued 2.36 at closing with 4.8m tickets, making all buying at that price