Here is an author's diary written for novice stock traders. Please do not delete, and add content in the author's humorous style, encouraging at the end. Also, include the titles with links at the end. The text is as follows until the end:
Lack of ammunition, you must endure until holding a safe distance before shooting.
Adjust the position on Tuesday, prepare cash, and be ready for the opportunity of an earthquake at any time.
Currently, there are 40*7 teammates in the index plate.
BRKB Buffett is fully invested, holding firm at 38.91@456.31/453.8.
Moody's stock review suggests a bearish atmosphere, but be ready to take profits at any time and wait for opportunities to buy in at 21.13@467/471.
SOXQ + SOXX excess stock (35+10).
SOXQ 35.99@40.85/41.46 guessing a fall, sell 20% right after opening.
SOXX 10.41@228.58/231.95 bullish sentiment, contradictory to the former, sell another 20% after lunch.
The Wolf King said that the bottom trend is already up and influenced by NVDA, it will surge to the previous high of 69. Watch the first half hour tomorrow.
QQQ owes at 7.92 @ 482/488, seeks to exceed 490. Should position the purchase fully in the 2nd minute as per the Wolf King's prediction of a rise. Once the market opens tomorrow, if it breaks 490 and reaches 492, incrementally increase the holding by 8, 8, 8. Global opinion is strong at 470-485, weak at 493-498. Jia may also be of the same opinion.
IWM is short at 49 @ 218.87/216.92.
DIA owes at 28.39 @ 422.15/420.51.
SPY+ VOo 7+35 is overbought. Waiting for VOO.
36.05 @ 525.20/526.0. Bullish sentiment from the buyers. Call. Prepare to take profit and exit, need cash to short sell SPY.
NVDA is going strong at 21.5 @ 124/133. Breaking the top. Consider increasing holdings in the 111-149 range next year with support at 124. Can it break through the previous high of 136 and the high before that at 140? Morning Wind suggests to increase holdings, Sunshine has already increased holdings, Wolf King is bullish, Will and Global seem to be heavily invested.
AMD is going bullish according to Morning Wind, breaking the golden ratio line at 6 @ 170.3/173.
NVDA is accelerating upwards, aiming for 200 and won't stop.
TSLA 8@258/244 in a position, covered.
Avgo 33.7@171.5/180.7 predicts an upward trend.
META 3.66@564/592.9 call, may increase to sixty percent.
MSFT 9.81@393.7/414 MOO predicts a drop.
Global perspective, range 401-416, 420-430, wait and see.
Google +20? predicting an increase, 18@163.8/173
QCOM shallow position 5@167/166 oscillating.
Amzn shook at 9@192/182.
TSM 62@179/186.8 RSI is overbought, reducing holdings.
Aapl is likely to be bullish with 2@216/224.
Palantir is bullish, increasing holdings, buyer's momentum in line 5.
Plan to observe and increase holding in RBLX tomorrow.
Buffett increased holdings in SIRI for the third time, planning to follow suit.
He holds OXY, opposing the Israeli conflict, planning to increase holdings.
Wang Ge weekly line blogger google opportunity.
Missed the short-term dividends of qqq today, missed the sharp increase of nvda dividends.
In the bull market of qqq and sqxq, for stock operators to speculate on the market: lay out 25% before the market opens, enter 25-35% within the first 25-35 minutes of opening if the environment is safe, enter another 25% around 13:30 after New York lunch if it is deemed safe, enter 25% (or 35%) before New York market closes at 3:30 pm, check for adjustments towards the end. Four trading opportunities in total, must go long in each one to ensure clarity.
Stay vigilant, like a team goalkeeper! Cash is the most important position! Adjust strategies and tactics: 60% regular investment, 30% disaster relief, 10% short-term trading. In the bear markets of qqq and soxq, each team must keep at least 40% cash reserves, deposit in high-interest teams. The stock market crashes from Jul11 to Aug5, and Aug22 to Sep6 are not far apart, from three days before that until Oct1 during the Iran-Israel missile confrontation, 3 trading days of stock market crash followed by a recovery day. On Oct7, Israel hinted at retaliating against Iran, causing a one-day stock market crash and recovery the next day. Stay alert, each team should deposit 40% into high-interest teams.
Israel is not one to suffer from deception. If Prime Minister Netanyahu steps down, it will only become more hawkish. If the red forces of the USA enter the White House, they will confront Iran more. Iran has long been supported by the Myanmar government, expecting frequent stock market crashes. Practice has shown that the Middle East conflict is a safe haven for saving money. Invest in CVX + XOM or put everything into Nvda, accepting both ups and downs, following the dark forces to the safe haven.
Stay long! Maintain a 60% position steadfastly, stable as a mountain, believing firmly that the United States is the city on the hill, the chosen one. Reduce holdings only in the case of sudden earthquakes for forced selling, or happily take profits, no need to complicate the reduction process.
Wolf King: S&P is currently at 5743, if it breaks through 5800, then add positions.
HI5 56*5 teammates
RSP set SP500等權, 35, RSPT +10,
VNQ rent 38 +3 wait and see
MOAT 38 +5 wait and see
IWY 72.41 bullish, waiting to reduce to 70% position 40
PFF safe financial management 27.83+5 = 32.83 wait and see
SFBAY 28*10 teammates
MGK big board growth stocks 5 +15
ARKK, CathyWood, the 7th and 13th positions in the lineup.
AIQ, AI big data, down slightly, waiting to see.
SFY, top 500, waiting to see.
SFYX, ranked 501-1000, waiting to see.
SFYF, with a return of more than 20% higher than SPY, 37.5 times per share.
MAGS 35.
SMH 107, bullish, waiting for a reduction in positions to repay at least 40.
VUG Vanguard growth, 35.
VGT info-tech combination 35
Dosi high-interest team 280 year-on-year growth + annual interest todo continue summary join need to supplement recent three-month performance
Drill MFC set 64.3% +3.85% 28+6
Drill SPG leases storage space 61.2% +4.7%, 24.87
Drill LLY pharmacy 62+3 anti-disaster risk 2 signal warehouse
Drill CM add-national finance 62+4.4 2 signal warehouse
Drill CITI 57.6+3.4
Gold Costco 58.9 + 0.5, 14.9
Gold Walmart 53.45 +1, 28 +1.64
Silver ATT 50.7 +5.1, 28 +2
Silver Verizon 43.1 + 6.1, 28 +2
Silver USBank 40.7+4, Signal Warehouse 2
Silver Cococola 39+3 , 4.9
Copper SPHD 30+4 ETF stable growth
Copper MPLX oil & gas exploration storage and transportation 23.9+7.7 hedge
Copper CCI communication tower 23+5.6 focus on business
Copper BNS Canada Nova Bank 21+5
Copper O Private storage space 23+5 4.98
Copper SPLV 22+
Copper DIVO 18.6+1.8
Copper USMV 26+1.47
VYM 23+2.7
SCHD 20+4
VIG 27+1.65
MOO cannabis 18+8 cultivation