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**Bear Hunting Diary: Ammo is limited, patience is key, only shoot after ensuring a safe distance Large cap community need to buy leverage soxl before the market opens and end up losing three times **

**Bear Hunting Story: Ammo is limited, patience is key, only shoot after ensuring a safe distance**

**Friday trading records**

Today the market dynamics are complex, UVXY has risen for five consecutive days, approaching the support level of 25.3. At this time, one needs to pay attention to the large cap's reducing strategy. Today, it is advisable to go long on QQQ when it falls, and to follow the wolf king's lead on SOXL after the market closure yesterday, although the entry was premature. Although the price dropped from 50 to 20, basic risk control remained rational, but action should be taken after observing the market today. I violated the discipline of waiting for the wolf king's signal before acting, need to correct my mistake. The wolf king emphasized that only when QQQ falls to 483 and UVXY does not exceed 25.3, should QQQ be increased.

**Analysis of the seven giants' stock valuation**

Google is considered the cheapest, while tesla is the most expensive. It is necessary to study the wolf king's analysis methods and explore the MAGS, BULZ, and their leveraged relationships [1][2].

**Research SOFI**

SOFI has disrupted the traditional financial industry, UPST's AI promotes lending, putting traditional financial service companies in crisis [1][2].

**Optoelectronic conversion connector field**

The consumption of chips is huge, and the substitution of optical fiber networks for traditional Ethernet cables is unstoppable, so there is no need to worry about economic fluctuations.


Investing is like hunting bears, requiring patience to wait for the best opportunity. Just as the Bible says: "Every good tree bears good fruit" (Matthew 7:17).


- [Valuation analysis video of seven tech giants](https://youtu.be/jpASsKiLuUc?si=0OFgywf_KENV5apB)
- [SOFI research](https://www.perplexity.ai/search/sofi-zhe-ge-gu-piao-qing-zuo-s-ODmCG.b4SGys8jAEwTiNUg)

[1] 猎熊故事:弹药有限,要忍到安全开枪## 周六市场观察 - Moomoo https://www.moomoo.com/hans/community/feed/bear-hunting-story-ammo-is-limited-so-you-have-to-113219609886729
[2] InGodITrust的个人主页- moomoo 社区 https://www.moomoo.com/hans/community/profile/ingoditrust-73795856
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