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New product disappoints: Can Tesla's Q3 earnings restore investors' confidence?
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Bear Diary Less Bullets, More Precise Shots from a Distance to Try as a Rehearsal

After Friday's mid-day trading - The story of newbie Hypus Diary is a classic.


tsla 44.5+5 @229 /227
tsll +5

It was as if I saw the sight of Moses separating the red sea, and Tesla's stock was the red sea, and I was the Moses holding the staff! It is impossible to fall again once the beginning of the curve to the upper perimeter, so increase the holding and increase the leverage. Because it's a weekend, don't mess around. Next Monday, if you don't look good, you can clear leverage at any time, and the stock remains unchanged in neutral. After all, I can't imagine being swallowed into my stomach by a big fish like Jonah!

## Buffet's Dance of Wisdom

Self Worth 46 @自持每股均價457 /Market Price per Share465

I feel like I am as wise as King Solomon, and increasing Buffet's stock is simply building my own temple of wealth!

## QQQ: Noah's Ark in the Tech World

QQQ 37 @491 /495 Gold Fork Coming on the Water

QQQ is like the Noah's Ark of tech stocks, bearing the flood of our passage through the market. A golden fork is approaching the surface of the water, as if seeing a rainbow, foreshadowing a good future!


AVGO 66 @176 /179 Restocked Looking to Stop Profit-Outing

AVGO is like David in the semiconductor world, although not large in body size, it has the potential to defeat the giant Golias! Resupped, bullish, ready to throw a fatal blow like David to stop winning!

## IWM: Joseph of Waiting for Time

Does IWM need to consider buying? DON'T MAKE A WOLF KING MEMOIR NOW.

Just as Joseph predicted seven years of harvest and seven years of famine, we also have to wait patiently, take good notes, wait for the best time to buy!

## NVDA: The Samson of the Tech World

The NVDA 36.7 @129 /138 has fallen yesterday and is still a high after the rally, and the opening price has not changed until close to the market close. So let's see the post-market restocking?

NVDA is like the ginseng of the technology world, but we must be careful not to get our hair cut off by the market!

## The Temptation of Apple

aapl Has Bad News Expected To Fall At This Time It's Very Small

Apple stocks are like that apple in Eden, tempting but dangerous. If bad news is expected, we should be careful like Eve and not take it lightly!

## TSM: Smart as Dan Ilie

TSM Guess it's fun!
Good news after yesterday's trading, and placing a stop order before the market open is right to return to neutral.

I feel like I'm just as smart as Dan Ali, I was so happy to be able to read the weather patterns in the market and guess the direction of TSM!

## MSTR: Bitcoin's Jobb

Yesterday's MSTR +5 Guess if Happy 44 @210 /214 continues to rise? Check out the market again.

MSTR is like the Jobar of the Bitcoin world, and while it may be tough, it may end up with more blessings. Will it continue to grow? Let's be patient like Job, and check out the market again!

## CLSK: The Emerging Harold

CLSK US Stock Buildings+3 Listed Companies Up 212% Last Year The company is focusing on Bitcoin mining technology and cooling and clean energy performance in Las Vegas-Henderson's Las Vegas - Henderson

CLSK is like the Solomon of the Bitcoin world, rebuilding the Jerusalem Temple and establishing a new order of Bitcoin mining in the casino!

## Nefei: Modern Solomon Theater

I also want to buy back Nai Phi Think about how dependent I am on YouTube and also the gaming business. Embedded advertising is up 15% year on year, the market earnings are flat at 32, understated, which is above 40. It is also possible to buy long-term investments.

Nephi is like a modern version of the Solomon Theater, full of wisdom and entertainment. Considering the reliance on YouTube and the gaming business, this is simply a gold mine!

## Conclusion

As the Bible proverb says: “The wise man accumulates knowledge; the mouth of the foolish defeats the evil.” In the stock market, we must act like the wise men in the Bible, with caution and accumulate knowledge in order to succeed in this challenging market. May we all be Solomons in the stock market, navigating the ocean of finance with wisdom and insight!

1. YouTube post: “YouTube Embedded Ads Increase 15% YoY, Market Revenue Rate Underestimated at 32”
2. Twitter post by vikingmute: “Bunch of gangsters”
3. Twitter post by maojietrading: “Robot mode of TV”
4. YouTube video: “American Cheerleading”

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  • InGodITrust OP : Here is a diary written by the author as a beginner in stock trading, please retain the title, do not delete any content, and add humor to enhance the style. Concluding with a Biblical story. Appendix: Please add titles to the hyperlinks in the text. The manuscript goes as follows until the end.

    On Friday midday Market after
    tsla 44.5+5@229/227
    tsll +5 Once the turning point starts upwards, the weekly trend cannot fall again, so shareholding, and add leverage. Because it's the weekend, I dare not mess around, and if it doesn't look good on Monday, I can clear the leverage at any time, keeping the main stock in a neutral stance.

    Buffett's BRK increased holdings by 5 to a neutral position
    Holdings worth 46@Self-holding average price 457/per share market price 465

    QQQ 37@491/495 Close to a golden cross
    AVGO 66@176/179 Already heavily invested, bullish, ready to take profits and exit at any time.

    Do I need to consider buying IWM? Not now, let's wait for the Wolf King's notes to decide.

    NVDA 36.7@129/138 Reduced holdings yesterday, still at a high level after a big rise, and if there is little change from the opening to near the closing price, then let's take another look. Add positions after the market closes?
    aapl has bad news, expected to drop, currently in a very small position, will assess at that time.

    TSM guessed it right, so happy!
    Yesterday after hours, with bullish earnings reports, placing orders before the market opened to take profit back to neutral spot on point.

    MSTR +5 yesterday, guessed correctly, 44@210/214 Should I continue to increase holdings? Let's see at the close.

    CLSK US stocks, initiated positions +3, with a 212% annual growth of the listed company last year, the company located in Las Vegas - Henderson, focuses on bitcoin mining technology, machine cooling, and clean energy efficiency, falls under my target scope.

    Also need to buy back Netflix, considering my reliance on YouTube and the gaming business, embedded ads have a 15% annual growth, pe ratio is tightly calculated at 32, undervalued, needs to be above 40. Also have to buy for long-term investment. (YouTube Post - Watch Now)

    Follow the big players' positions at

    Learn the robot mode of TV at

    Cheerleading exercises - American Style

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