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Bears vs. Bulls

$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ Reading the comments between bearish traders and bullish traders for NVDA is like watching an argument on reddit unfold.
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  • 10baggerbamm : where does the earnings growth come from if it's not for technology? do you really think Home Depot and Lowe's are going to quadruple in their size in 5 years I don't. do you think Walmart is going to double in size in 5 years I don't, do you think Ford's ever going to earn a profit selling an electric vehicle in 5 years? maybe they'll figure it out. do you think all of the companies in the Russell 2000 that are losing money which is 40% are magically going to turn a profit when interest rates fall so that they can actually have a PE for the first time in the next four or five years? N.FW. do you think Nvidia is going to have 400 plus percent growth in the next  five years? 💯%
    where does the earnings growth come from it comes from tech, if you can't take the heat stay in the cyclical Giants that go up and go down because they don't have pricing power they're subjected to economic cycles they have to deal with unions they have to deal with strikes they have to deal with theft they have to deal with all of the problems of a mature company.

  • James G Matthews OP 10baggerbamm : I see you have a bullish view on NVDA long term as do I. I want to ask you how you feel about NVDA short term during both the month of September and with the Election right round the corner.

  • 10baggerbamm James G Matthews OP : look short-term Nvidia if you read what I wrote two weeks ago I was begging people pounding the table and I got slammed ridiculed mocked berated.. by many people on this forum that I was a clown with her a little emoji that I had no idea what the fuck I'm talking about I pounded the table for people to buy puts and hedge their long position in Nvidia and soxl. you can go back and read them I told people where I thought that it could retest. the mistake I made and yes I make mistakes is I thought this pin action that we're experiencing today was going to happen last week. so my puts didn't do shit sadly post earnings Nvidia I was up hundreds of percent in both the next morning because they brought Nvidia back up and so Excel backup the time value went to basically nothing the volatility premium was reduced by 90% And The puts which were three and a half dollars went down to a few pennies. if people went out further and bought mid-september and September or October they're up a thousand percent if not more because I told people they're 10 baggers they're 10x returns if these targets are hit and they're being hit now. the downside for NVIDIA near term it could be $90

  • 10baggerbamm James G Matthews OP : pt 2
    the market act so emotionally you need to take positions on down days you have to buy a third a third a third break up your purchases because in these difficult environments that we are in right now finding the bottom on a technical chart is virtually impossible and this is because you have these algorithmic programs that are designed to crush technical support lines. if you go all in on a support line you could be down 10 to 15% before the stock reverses and then it may take you two months to get a break even if you break up your purchases in a third a third a third or a quarter a quarter a quarter a quarter. you'll be averaging down in a good company that you want to own and when it reverses you will be at a profit very quickly if not immediately.
    look at the dynamic swing in Nvidia August 5th to August 10th..

  • 10baggerbamm James G Matthews OP : I was just asked about the election by somebody else.
    if Harris wins oil's going to go up to $95 sometime next year this will derail the feds interest rate cutting plans because higher oil is inflationary and it trickles down to everything across the board which means higher consumer prices higher manufacture prices higher cost of goods sold and we are back to an inflationary raise the interest rate Market environment. tech companies will survive this other companies that are having multiple expansions in anticipation of this long-term multi-year rate cut plan will be decimated. if Trump wins there will be sanctions imposed on China other countries there will be deals done where risk of tariffs will be imposed 20%, it's a threat it will never happen. but he negotiates from a strong arm position I will do this because it's America first so if you want to do business you're going to concede. if Trump wins oil prices are going to go down into the mid 40s within 2 years so you don't want to own oil companies because their profits are going to deteriorate because the price is going to go from 72 to mid 40s per barrel. but you will have a boom through the rest of the economy all the housing stocks all the retailers because cost of goods are going to drop dramatically tech stocks will continue to rally.
    Harris is certainly not business friendly her doj wants to screw every technology company that's out there. successful companies are penalized under the current administration to let other countries succeed that's Obama That's socialism. that's the whole equity bullshit push.

  • 10baggerbamm James G Matthews OP : I think it's imperative that you keep cash on the sideline depending upon who wins and you need to structure your investments based off of who wins the election in the United States because it will have significant impacts on the profits of companies in many sectors for many years
