71129854 : $9 on friday
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : not gonna happen
WillyGuevara OP xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : You might be right, if AA comes out 6itching and $hitting all over the place then it’s going down imo.
Revelation 6 xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : Why is that Panda? Please enrich our intellect with your dazzling display of knowledge.
71129854 : $9 on friday
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : not gonna happen
WillyGuevara OP xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : You might be right, if AA comes out 6itching and $hitting all over the place then it’s going down imo.
Revelation 6 xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : Why is that Panda? Please enrich our intellect with your dazzling display of knowledge.