Troll Hunter
boycotting an already failing business isn't going to do that. mypillow needed bbby. then lindell hopped on the trump train. getting his, again, already failing business, boycotted by one of the few brick and mortar companies selling his lumpy pillows. and now he's broke. and so is bbby. but it wasn't fucking mypillow that did it.
72734102 : So BBB picks on My Pillow! And Now Goes Bankrupt! Oh Well. Boycotts Kill foolish business practices.
Troll Hunter 72734102 : i see your getting your orange koolaid straight from the tap.
73177207 Troll Hunter : Well boycotts do kill business so…not sure why that had to get turned into an ‘orange koolaid’ comment
Troll Hunter 73177207 : boycotting an already failing business isn't going to do that. mypillow needed bbby. then lindell hopped on the trump train. getting his, again, already failing business, boycotted by one of the few brick and mortar companies selling his lumpy pillows. and now he's broke. and so is bbby. but it wasn't fucking mypillow that did it.