104132545 Shalom
Don’t . just wait. If you sell it you will lose both your $ and the shares. Just off your apps for a week - or so . Wait for Nov 11 or 15 or 20 there could be a squeeze. With Trump as President DJT can be generating good revenue from advertisements etc and there can also be prospect of it being mergers or being sold off. Just hold until at least your recover your costs if not making money.
李飞Allyssa : Too crazy! Why is it still falling?
73367072 : hate the MM shorting it too
食懵啊你 : The value of winning an election has already been hyped up once
104132545 Shalom : Don’t . just wait. If you sell it you will lose both your $ and the shares. Just off your apps for a week - or so . Wait for Nov 11 or 15 or 20 there could be a squeeze. With Trump as President DJT can be generating good revenue from advertisements etc and there can also be prospect of it being mergers or being sold off. Just hold until at least your recover your costs if not making money.
Bully Bill 100 : don't sell I wouldn't think back up in the morning the shorts are probably screwed
backtoeden 104132545 Shalom : It’s the gambling emotion