Technical Analysis:
Right now Berkshire is trading at a slight premium, due to the reputation the company has created from its track record, investors do not mind paying the premium, and as long as Berkshire continues to perform I doubt this will change.
At 20 to 25 PE the stock is even high for Warren who typically goes after stocks trading below a 15 PE.
It's Book value per share is also 437 which is quite a bit under its shareprice, which tells us its overvalued. Its PB ratio is about 1.63 which tells us it's trading at about a 60% premium for a value investment.
For me personally, I use Berkshire like a tax free, accumulating S&P500 ETF since I don't have the means to affordably invest into CSPX. Its definitely ad defensive investment because of its majority insurance holdings. So all in all I don't mind buying this stock at a premium since my horizon is to hold for 15 or more years. However I will be honest and say that my DCA amount is 2 dollars a day, if Berkshire drops close to its fair value, I will up my amount to 5 or 10 dollars a day.
Fikri0702 : i love pepsi btw