103459102 : idk
Chong 1019 OP : opps today ex date
Chong 1019 OP : ok i will keep it for future
学习中的牛牛 : Is it because today is the ex-dividend day?
103459102 学习中的牛牛 : ok i understand
Chong 1019 OP 学习中的牛牛 : Yup
105244923 : sorry ya.. I'm new to share market, even ex-date but why it can drop so much ?
Chong 1019 OP 105244923 : Many people want take dividend only, so they will choose buy before ex-date and sell at ex-date, which the date they can receive the dividend
103359300 105244923 : before exdate is 2.64 minus 0.11 dividend = RM2.53 so its normal
103459102 : idk
Chong 1019 OP : opps today ex date
Chong 1019 OP : ok i will keep it for future
学习中的牛牛 : Is it because today is the ex-dividend day?
103459102 学习中的牛牛 : ok i understand
Chong 1019 OP 学习中的牛牛 : Yup
105244923 : sorry ya.. I'm new to share market, even ex-date but why it can drop so much ?
Chong 1019 OP 105244923 : Many people want take dividend only, so they will choose buy before ex-date and sell at ex-date, which the date they can receive the dividend
103359300 105244923 : before exdate is 2.64 minus 0.11 dividend = RM2.53 so its normal