Onglaiwanton : Meaning?
bullrider_21 OP Onglaiwanton : Meaning may fall from there.
Onglaiwanton bullrider_21 OP : You holding?
bullrider_21 OP Onglaiwanton : No.
Well just do it : For those already let go just wait dun average wait till Tuesday opportunity always be there to make so long there is volume
Alster : Fair value at 0.01, I don’t know how it get to triple in 1 week
bullrider_21 OP Alster : I think it's because of its new esports business.
Lobang88 : Luckily I run @ 32
Onglaiwanton : Meaning?
bullrider_21 OP Onglaiwanton : Meaning may fall from there.
Onglaiwanton bullrider_21 OP : You holding?
bullrider_21 OP Onglaiwanton : No.
Well just do it : For those already let go just wait dun average wait till Tuesday opportunity always be there to make so long there is volume
Alster : Fair value at 0.01, I don’t know how it get to triple in 1 week
bullrider_21 OP Alster : I think it's because of its new esports business.
Lobang88 : Luckily I run @ 32