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Bitcoin's 4th halving done: A new rally or already priced in?
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$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ A reserve currency is a globally-recogniz...

A reserve currency is a globally-recognized national currency commonly used in international trade and global finance.
Ray Dalio gives a macro perspective:
While Dalio provides a clear macroeconomic and geopolitical perspective, you clearly cna see the entire cycle, he implies it is a soverign backed reserve currency. However, most nations now prefer Bitcoin, bitcoin is decentralized and can’t be minipulated … meaning, the reserve currency can not be used as a weapon or leverage against any sovereign nation. Most prefer to hold Bitcoin over fiat for essentially the same reason, hedge against the poor decisions of nations (and others).
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  • EZ_money : i saw that and describes how unless we do 180 reversal in direction we're going this country is due for a collapse

  • EZ_money : it's gives a textbook definition on why or how empires fail and the United States is on the edge of failure

  • EZ_money : what does decentralized mean? it's about keeping it away from wallstreet bankers and big firms that take over. what is happening now? this is not decentralized anymore I'm sorry to say. it's very easy to manipulate this market because its smaller than the silver market and has a direct correlation to what bonds and the dollar do.

  • GNRForever OP EZ_money : No, it still is decentralized, they can’t print more bitcoin. They also can’t just take a currency off a gold standard like they did in 1971 … truly, nobody owns the production of Bitcoin. Bitcoin just exists and has controls against debasement. Satoshi anticipated this because he observed dollar erode over his lifetime.

  • EZ_money GNRForever OP : you need to stop fooling yourself about decentralized. this is wallstreet's bitchcoin now it's not Bitcoin anymore. it's almost completely centralized now through ETFs, and trading on the exchange which wasn't necessary for Bitcoin to be successful. that dude is unknown, never been met, nowhere to be found! he's a CIA front man. the guy never existed his name was made up. need to get off the YouTube guru channels and start reading

  • EZ_money GNRForever OP : they took the dollar off the gold standard 🤣 Nixon did and created the Petro dollar but that's gone now too so essentially it's just a promise note back up by nothing just paper with numbers on it

  • GNRForever OP EZ_money : It is possible, but the issue is this: if the government created it, why would Satoshi reach out to civilians for development? Wouldn't the government keep everything, including his emails, confidential and require these individuals to sign NDAs? Clearly, it isn't the government. If I were Satoshi, I wouldn't continue working for a government salary when I could potentially make much more money by selling my story and making public appearances.

    Satoshi is firstly familiar with payment systems, secondly a billionaire, and thirdly a celebrity. This is why he is not motivated to reveal himself; there is no incentive. There are only a few people who wouldn't be motivated to cash in on the billions in his wallet. I can count them on one hand.

  • EZ_money GNRForever OP : ask yourself this. why has nobody seen him? where is he? what's his background? with a camera in everyone's hands why is there no sight of him? confidential is only important if it a national security risk anything else can be released. any risk is kept quiet. just seems bizarre everything behind it. why does the DOJ own Bitcoin and how?

  • EZ_money GNRForever OP : being a billionaire is is nothing now days it's not that big of a deal. there's many out there now because of all this printing of money. since the dollar went off the gold standard it lost 97% of it's purchasing power. so $100 is now spent like three. think about the 50s one man could support a family of four, buy a home, a car, travel and save. that job probably paid 2-3.50 dollars per hour I'm being lazy just a guess but i think you get my drift. gold doesn't go up in value, the currency loses it's purchasing power
