Depends on what your plan is. If you’re buying to hold long term, then yes + buy every time there’s a price drop to lower your average cost. If you’re just buying to sell at a profit, then watch the trend carefully for a deep dip, then set your sell price at the profit level you’re looking for
stonk scouter : I'd buy this little dip here
Blakexxiii : look up what dollar cost averaging is. do that with BTC and hold.
SnakeMan : Depends on what your plan is. If you’re buying to hold long term, then yes + buy every time there’s a price drop to lower your average cost. If you’re just buying to sell at a profit, then watch the trend carefully for a deep dip, then set your sell price at the profit level you’re looking for
EZ_money : don't go all in leave dry powder for ammo in case you need it for cost average