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$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ do you know how many tech stocks have gon...

$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ do you know how many tech stocks have gone from 73 to 63 throughout the course of a 2-month cycle? I swear that the owners of Bitcoin are pussies compared to the owners of tech stocks that's the only way I can describe it cuz I've never seen a group of people pissing moan and complain more over the same percentage drop correction call it what you want from 73 to 63 because that happens routinely in tech stocks that percent and more because they're high beta and when you are going to invest in those companies you are going to be exposed to those larger cycles those larger swings. so what the hell is the difference in Bitcoin??? if you can't take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen.
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  • 10baggerbamm OP : you got three things you can do number one buy more number two just hold on number three sell it ..real simple

  • German Ape : i sell this go to 10 k

  • 102336377 : Oho someone is getting mad

  • 10baggerbamm OP 102336377 : no I'm not mad honestly I'm not.. I just read these comments and it's it's very childish is the only way I can describe it if you can't take the volatility go buy a treasury stick your money in a money market account. you mean you have to understand Bitcoin is now a political issue between the Democrats versus the Republicans. and there's a group that sees the billion dollars worth of bitcoin and if you look at the auctions where they sell one they sell half they sell 3/4 of a Bitcoin there's massive block cells that are taking place 70 Bitcoin 100 Bitcoin 130 Bitcoin no one in the right mind sells that and even if let's suppose there's a series of liquidations in an ETF one of the 10 here in the United States those managers don't dump blocks like that they gradually feed it in. you've got the national debt and the deficit so bad that there's well regarded economists that are saying something has to happen because within the next 10 years it is unsustainable it will exceed GDP by 130% so they're pretty much saying that the writing is on the wall for a collapse a default a reset call it whatever you want and no one is going to admit that's a politician in office right now that this is the case so do you think they'll do everything and anything to make bitcoins value and store of wealth go down including sell massive blocks of the billion dollars that have been seized cuz that's what I believe is happening

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.