400k, reverse crash, I don't get how people play DOGE .08 to .36 over time patiently but can't hold a penny stock for 1-3 days to outlast the shorts and wtf anyone need a 92k fake coin for but MARA going off while I have CLSK Calls and if I buy a COIN put it'll go to 400 instead of 300
EZ_money : which one the 100K articles or the 190K articles![rolling_on_the_floor_laughing 🤣](
Clintzilla OP EZ_money : 400k, reverse crash, I don't get how people play DOGE .08 to .36 over time patiently but can't hold a penny stock for 1-3 days to outlast the shorts and wtf anyone need a 92k fake coin for but MARA going off while I have CLSK Calls and if I buy a COIN put it'll go to 400 instead of 300
sick4cash : going to 100 soon