Biden is a puppet it's not him....he can't even tell you what day it is. deep state shadow government that's member from WEF, people like Larry Fink, Guess who goes in to rebuild the Gaza and Ukraine... Vanguard and BlackRock... it's their neverending market of destruction and rebuilding. they were evil pure evil and people flowing into this dangerous if they knew who Larry Fink thinks and wants
PGGGLMMM : black swan
EZ_money OP PGGGLMMM : FBI busted guy who was going to bomb the NY exchange to reset the economy he said.... crazy
EZ_money OP PGGGLMMM : he just needs to wait
now he's in prison, but More likely CIA propaganda. same shit happened right before 9/11
PGGGLMMM : Joe and his democratic have started their move. Only one vote in UN to deny cease conflict in Gaza, manipulate Ukraine to attack Russia...
EZ_money OP PGGGLMMM : building 7? no plane....went down like demolition job
EZ_money OP PGGGLMMM : Biden is a puppet it's not him....he can't even tell you what day it is. deep state shadow government that's member from WEF, people like Larry Fink, Guess who goes in to rebuild the Gaza and Ukraine... Vanguard and BlackRock... it's their neverending market of destruction and rebuilding. they were evil pure evil and people flowing into this
dangerous if they knew who Larry Fink thinks and wants
PGGGLMMM EZ_money OP : No more similar case as Bush time will happen again