乘風起扶搖上 : Global recall?
估票专家 OP 乘風起扶搖上 : Yes. Make him disappear.
103809945 : lol only shitters lose money at ATHs
102514703 : Now the whole world is just starting to actively engage with Bitcoin, and you're already talking about impeachment.
估票专家 OP 102514703 : Because I lost money, the whole world is starting to recall.
102514703 估票专家 OP : Ah haha
乘風起扶搖上 : Global recall?
估票专家 OP 乘風起扶搖上 : Yes. Make him disappear.
103809945 : lol only shitters lose money at ATHs
102514703 : Now the whole world is just starting to actively engage with Bitcoin, and you're already talking about impeachment.
估票专家 OP 102514703 : Because I lost money, the whole world is starting to recall.
102514703 估票专家 OP : Ah haha