and this is why Tom Lee out of nowhere is who's been bullish 200k ,for Bitcoin end of 2025 yesterday comes out... and says according to their analyst they think Bitcoin could hit 68 to 70 near term. that's because he got wind of this ahead of time he's been a huge supporter of Biden and the Democratic party the entire time so of course he's going to get information before everybody else.
10baggerbamm OP : they're going to sink it intentionally they've been dumping that's who's been selling this past week and they sold last year as well and now they're going to sink Bitcoin prior to Trump taking over.
this is just like the steel by the wall they were selling it then they got caught and then they had to be ordered to stop well here they've been selling Bitcoin they're the ones that have been dumping it and they told their friends that they're going to dump it get out you know the rich people that always seem to always win that never lose a dime.
they're going to hand Trump a shitshow that's why that piece of shit Biden pissed away over 30% of all of 2025's national budget in the first 6 days alone they want to give Trump the worst position possible so that they can say he's failed. they want to put them in a position that all authorization for spending is going to have to go through Congress and you got a real slim margin in the house that if any one of them is corrupted legislation is going to stall.
the end of January the debt ceiling will been reached again Trump as Biden and Congress to include that in the legislation that went through a week ago but they intentionally didn't put it in he asked to have the limit for the debt ceiling removed because now come January there's the risk of a default so they're doing everything they can to set him up for failure.
HailTheApocalypse : that's the Demonrats for ya
LittleSoldier : I will say this, and me and you are keenly aware that every thing they do fails and fails big from trying to destroy the wall by selling it to the political persecution of Trump, to Green energy, ect ect. So just a little example remember when Biden said Americans were garbage, we saw Trump sporting the sweetest garbage truck you ever saw
Trump has a unique blessing, I would like to believe God has his hands on him. True they are handing over a shit show, but it like everything else will back fire
on them and he will fix it and when he does. We won’t see another Democrat in fucking for many years!! So I Say Fuck Biden and the rest of those little pricks in Washington let them Dig their own graves!!
101552933 : The process of auctioning or directly selling such a large amount of BTC typically takes time to ensure everything is done securely and legally. It seems highly unlikely that the US government will be able to sell all 69,370 Bitcoin before 20 Jan.
10baggerbamm OP 101552933 : okay couple of things you can go online and you can see the auctions of Bitcoin that the Biden administration has had over the four-year term.
I looked at them and I'm on the list so I see what's happening real time. typically the amount of Bitcoin that is sold at public auctions anywhere from a half a Bitcoin to 4 Bitcoin. and it's sold at about 70 to 80 cents on the dollar. yes that means an immediate arbitrage you're profitable and you can turn around and flip it and sell it.
the auctions are not selling 10,000 Bitcoin 5,000 Bitcoin everything that they alluded to as usual is lies.
so now that we've established a fact that everything that they proclaimed that they were going to auction off is trivial insignificant and irrelevant relative to the big picture.
it should not come as any surprise to you much like the steel by the wall they were selling that to fuck Trump over no other reason. they sold a big percentage of that steel already it's already sold after the fact bought and paid for for two cents on the dollar one penny on the dollar would it cost. the buyers of the steel turned around and offered it back to the government at 200% markup to buy it back.. how nice of them. Trump got a judge to stop the further sale along with Biden agreeing not to sell more. but this was too fuck Trump over because that cost has to come from some place and Congress controls the purse strings. so he would have had to gone back to Congress get approval then the steel has to come from some place so there's a lag time so everything makes it difficult for Trump to build the wall yet again because the administration in place and when I say Biden I mean the deep State it's Obama it's pelosi it's Schumer it's all of that scum.. they're going to put roadblocks along the way and the media has a Field Day Will trump wants to spend money for the wall That's inflationary.
and now Bitcoin Trump wants a strategic reserve if there's no Bitcoin left he needs to get authorization from the government to spend money to buy Bitcoin that will be a long process to get approval the media will have a field day with that he wants to buy Bitcoin look at it it drops what if it falls 20% the taxpayers lose 20% of their money and that'll be the storyline. the country can't afford to buy something that's so volatile that's crazy that's dangerous mark my words.
and the government has already sold most of their Bitcoin they probably have a little bit left it's being dumped in the open market through exchanges. and these are these big legs down in Bitcoin where there's massive cells and I questioned where the hell is this liquidity coming from where is it it's not from ETS selling it's not like it's an option expiration and there's a delivery in somebody got caught short and they got a buyer they got to sell in the open market because there's options on the ETFs that can create that problem. these massive sells our combination of two things I think initially it was the government selling I think this past week it was the inside information leaked out to key people inside the loop so that's pelosi at the top and Paul pelosi and everybody in that level that doj is going to authorize what's already been happening so once that news leaks bitcoin's going to tank you might want to sell now in advance. and I think a lot of this leg down that was so violent from 102 to 92 was that leaking out. so we're going to see what happens I don't believe they're going to dump today cuz the stock market's closed but I think whatever is left could be triggered Friday morning early 7:00 a.m. ish but we'll see what happens
Space Dust : agree on some. difference of suspicion on![undefined [undefined]](
left / right paradigm. you are falling for it. The 2 faces of Janus. red vs blue
.![undefined [undefined]](
in California are different
goes deep.
. supporting a controlled, blackmailed puppet . I'm not so sure your grasp is as significant as your Dunning Kruger
1. Bitcoin fall from 102 -92. many had an emotional stop set at 100k for years. And nothing was gonna shake that profit taking urge..?
2. Trump ?
Trump appoints his kids and their spouses to positions.
3. These fires
4. cognitive dissonance and Dunning Kruger
what have you done since the 1980s?
stocks or background in intelligence and family also?
your expertise doesn't seem to be the latter.
the Trump echo chamber is deafening.
You really need to consider the good cop/ bad cop thing
Peter Thiel and who else is lurking and pulling strings
Musk, Zuckerberg, Vance are all manufactured.
and have handlers.
Co - founders . co..CO.. as in not sole .. that hole
if you are stuck on the passing car , chasing it like a dog
green x win : they wanna make sure trump gets zero BTC.. if they create enough fear and the price slides trump gets to buy back at lower price anyways. prolly sell and split the money before trump goes into office who knows
10baggerbamm OP Space Dust : well Bitcoin ran to 108 so people had ample opportunity to sell above 100 the first time the second pushed 102 was an immediate reversal you can look at that on a chart . it's not the retailer with a quarter Bitcoin and a half a Bitcoin that is doing the selling transactions and it's not people that are liquidating ETFs because ETF showed an inflow BlackRock showed a net inflow but yet Bitcoin tanked 12,000 so how do you have a net inflow in Black Rock ETFs and yet Bitcoin tanks?
10baggerbamm OP Space Dust : I'm not falling for a left right paradigm but the fact of the matter is the left have an agenda it's abundantly clear and you can look at Britain where people's houses are being broken into by police sometimes they knock on the door and people are being scrutinized the videos are there they have their cell phones because of what they post freedom of speech they disagree with somebody they disagree with their agenda the aristocracy and now they're being jailed that's freedom of speech violations that's Nazi Germany that's not red blue that's total control. that's exactly what the left was pushing Hillary Kerry on TV multiple times prior to the election that information needs to be controlled misinformation needs to be screened and scrubbed because people are too stupid to understand the truth so we're going to set up a bureau in the United States to regulate this misinformation and we're going to hold people accountable those are her words and his words people need to be held accountable freedom of speech does not include inciting riots go look up listen to what they said so if what you say they need to be misinformation you need to be put into reeducation camps those are Hillary's words go look it up. so I'm not falling for a red blue they want global governance the left they want to eliminate the middle class because that's the only thing that's keeping the United States intact the poor already need the government will do whatever it takes so they get their check their EBT card everything free so that they don't have to go to work. the fraction of 1% of elitist that are rich they don't need to worry about anything they can move anywhere they want to they have enough wealth that they can ride out any storm any problems it doesn't affect them in any way shape or form. that just leaves the middle class and you can read because it's out there and it's not conspiracy and Obama said it you can go listen to him that the only thing that is stopping global governance is the middle class in the United States. so I'm well aware I'm well informed I make my own mind up I don't regurgitate with some person says on TV for the sake of not wanting to put in The sweat equity in time to read and see for myself. the left of which Biden is part of is corrupt they are the personification of evil. oh and I'm 300 plus thousand children are missing no one wants to talk about that where do you think they went in the United States nobody knows they just fell off the radar where do you think they are.. I guess that's a topic for another day right?
10baggerbamm OP Space Dust : the fires in California yeah tragic amazing how quickly Biden responds to that not people in North Carolina you know they pulled people out of the mud dead bodies this past week very little on the news about that cuz it doesn't matter anymore FEMA was a total failure in North Carolina but they're Johnny on the spot in California Biden flew right out to California shaking new scums hand for a photo op with new scum bowing down kissing his ring thanking him for his prompt intention we're Biden pledged billions of dollars to fix the problems. you ever wonder where that money comes from that he's pledging?? I guess we'll just print it out of thin air or do they move it from one account to another see that's what I'm saying it's very easy for them to justify the sale of Bitcoin to help out people in California cuz it's humanitarian aid that's the spin but that's crazy talk right that would never happen under the bite administration authorizing a sale 11 days before Trump takes over you know like the sale of billions worth of steel at two and three cents on the dollar for the wall that Congress would have to approve new money and it would have to be built the steel so you're talking the better half of a year to replenish what was sold for pennies on the dollar. this makes Trump look like a failure this creates inflationary pressure so the FED is worried about Trump spending. that's crazy talk right? no I'm sorry this is a chess game this is reality and this is what the Democrats do they already have the storyline in place because the media is complicit they are corrupt they know how to spin everything because people in the United States are stupid because if you're still voting for Democrats you're a moron. and they need their stupid base to keep them in office at local levels. but I guess that's just crazy talk right?
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