71652556 : I’m hoping it goes to somewhere in the 80s so I can load up for the pump at the inauguration
103729182 : 88k ultimate target
RiskGame : Someone is dumping to see if mkt can absorb it. Likely will go sideways till US mkt opens on Friday
翻身-上岸 OP 103729182 : The price is still too high now.I think it will continue to fall.
翻身-上岸 OP RiskGame : In recent days, the fluctuation is still very large, just a short sideways.
71652556 : I’m hoping it goes to somewhere in the 80s so I can load up for the pump at the inauguration
103729182 : 88k ultimate target
RiskGame : Someone is dumping to see if mkt can absorb it. Likely will go sideways till US mkt opens on Friday
翻身-上岸 OP 103729182 : The price is still too high now.I think it will continue to fall.
翻身-上岸 OP RiskGame : In recent days, the fluctuation is still very large, just a short sideways.