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$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$  this is why when you invest you can't bu...

$Bitcoin(BTC.CC)$ this is why when you invest you can't buy into the bullshit panic that's on TV you can't listen to the stock jockey of the month that's being interviewed. and you cannot let them change your beliefs your mindset you've got to stand your fucking ground. this is a tug of war dig your feet in understand what you're investing in and have convictions. because if you flip flop you're doomed you're going to be taking loss after loss after loss after loss. we had this year very early on a huge rally in Bitcoin with the ETF creation then you had to having and guess what it didn't hit a new high and it started to sell down and some people took profits and then you had Market fluctuations where Bitcoin was deemed risk off so it's sold down and all the sudden the trend is developed where it's trending lower and then we had the government in the United States Germany selling Bitcoin he had massive spikes 80 Bitcoin 100 120 Bitcoin being dumped. all these cockroaches on TV or screaming bloody murder it's the end of Bitcoin. you get Peter shifts wearing bitcoins useless it's going to zero Jamie Diamond comes out doesn't embrace it even though Black Rock has obviously and we dwindled to the very low 50s and people were calling for a low 40 high 30 price.
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  • 10baggerbamm OP : part 2
    if you would have sold you'd be kicking yourself and I will tell you it sucks being down in an investment it's horrible especially when maybe you don't have more money to average down and that's where people make a lot of mistakes and I've made plenty of them and lost a shitload over my lifetime because you forget why you purchased the investment and now it's going against you so you look for a lower price investment maybe you bought a $50 stock it fell to 45 44 and you're getting all nervous and worked up companies fine they haven't come out with bad news but somebody's dumping so you decide someone tells you to buy this other stock it's $20 shit you're going to double down by twice as many shares so now all I need to move up is just a little bit and you'll recoup your loss and be back at profits. and Murphy's law it doesn't work out now you're doubling down on your losses cuz you have twice as many shares and that one's going against you and you bought the stock and you don't even know what this one is and what's worse is the first ones now started to recover it's a sickening feeling.
    so now back to bitcoin we're not going on 67,000 right now how long has it been since it was in the low 50s go look at a chart it's not that long but the market dynamics have changed immensely.

  • 10baggerbamm OP : pt 3
    and all it took was a little conviction for people to say well it's a little oversold I'm going to nibble at it nibble at it and it starts trending higher and now today we have from Trump God willing he will be our next president! he's saying he's going to build a war chest of Bitcoin just like gold just like oil a strategic reserve of Bitcoin for the United States future only to be bought never to be sold. will the government has a billion right now that's peanuts so what are they going to buy 30 billion 50 billion where's Bitcoin going people because the minute Trump signs that executive order Germany's no longer selling no other country in the world's going to be selling they're all going to be buying. and since Bitcoin by design has a finite amount you can only split it into smaller pieces but you can't create more it will never be devalued like a currency that's Fiat money. so the point of all of this is It's always darkest before the dawn. just like you've got all the big magnificent seven getting smacked very hard this week some more than others they're going to be back because there's not a fucking company in the Russell 2000 that does what they do

  • Salmon Klein 10baggerbamm OP : time to buy bitcoin...but will it be a new dip again this summer?

  • 10baggerbamm OP : I have no idea if it's going to dip again I use the expression it's like you're trying to bet on which direction of birds going to take off but where the hell were you a week and a half ago two weeks ago when it was in the shitter where is the conviction then to buy more because that's the difference between men and boys you have to stand your ground defend your turf and when there's nothing fundamentally wrong if the money is available you buy more. so what if it goes down in a week or two weeks what are you going to say oh look it's $59,000 maybe it'll go to 58 I'll wait maybe it goes to 57 I'll wait it doesn't work that way you got to get to the plate and you got to swing in order to put points on the board sometimes you might strike out or another analogy sometimes you fall off the horse but you got to get right back on. the bottom line is Trump signs an executive order when he's our next president and he will be everybody is going to be kicking themselves oh I wish I could have should or would have bought and my response if you're looking for sympathy from me it's between shit and syphilis and a dictionary

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.