Did you know the Government is not always a boogeyman? It's true, you guys remember that every time you want to murder people. So instead maybe just fucking stop with the Reagan-Era bullshit. He was a conman. You were conned. Just like now. Fucking stop voting against your own economic self-interest. You are going to vote for the people who want to de-fund social security and your cushy socialist Medicare ( oops I forgot you hate socialism when Government does things you DONT like otherwise its awesome)
GNRForever : lol your even look the Soyjak meme:
10baggerbamm : oh do you want to clarify who wants to defund social security I'm just curious because I have an idea from the slant of your post so why don't you just come out and say who you're for rather than be vague. because I can tell you one person that's running does not want to defund it yet is accused of it by the party that's failing the American people on a daily basis