103730376 : Are you sure?
Clintzilla OP 103730376 : fuck no, should be like 40k but Vanguard and Blackrock Here so why not 100k 150k
103730376 Clintzilla OP : 好的 这样我在看多两个小仓
Baba Boya Clintzilla OP : Vanguard is anti crypto. What you talking about. Check your sources
Clintzilla OP Baba Boya : better check etfs and filings they have you fooled
Clintzilla OP Baba Boya : ill post another just for you, look up in a sec
103730376 : Are you sure?
Clintzilla OP 103730376 : fuck no, should be like 40k but Vanguard and Blackrock Here so why not 100k 150k
103730376 Clintzilla OP : 好的 这样我在看多两个小仓
Baba Boya Clintzilla OP : Vanguard is anti crypto. What you talking about. Check your sources
Clintzilla OP Baba Boya : better check etfs and filings they have you fooled
Clintzilla OP Baba Boya : ill post another just for you, look up in a sec